Wednesday, March 23, 2011 Has Been Redesigned and Rearranged

Although it still looks a lot like the old site, I have moved the shamanism-animism site, Shamanista, and rebuilt it as a WordPress site. I kept the colors and logo the same so you would recognize it, and all the content is still there, but I am adding content and rearranging the pages.
So if you have any bookmarks, be aware that some of the page addresses will be changing over the next few days or weeks. The main address, though, stays the same.
If you have a bookmark or link to the home page,, it will continue to work, but if you bookmarked or linked to an internal page, you may get an error message.
If you relink or rebookmark right now, the link may break again soon. If you just bookmark the main site for the time being and give me about a month, I should have the pages reorganized.
I just needed to get the site moved to a new hosting service and rebuild it as a WordPress site. Then I could take time to rearrange the pages.
Instead of the clunky menu down the whole left side of each page, there is now a sleek, smaller (fewer main items) line of drop-down menus across the top, with cascading menus from each one. Go see!
I will try to get the site into a final organization as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience in the meantime.
I just wanted everyone to know that we are still there, in case some of your bookmarks or links break because of the move—and to tell you it is a bit soon to make new bookmarks to internal pages.
From now on it will be much easier to revise content, add pictures and, best of all, add new pages. Plus, there is now a built-in blog.
I will still post here, though, so don't go away....Stay tuned.