Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How to Find Your Spiritual Mission for 2011

Have you journeyed yet to find your spiritual missions for 2011? 

The spirit world has important tasks for each of us, but we are not always listening. Often these are things we would never think of on our own. 

These missions are not for ourselves. They are for the highest good of all (including us).

Some are individual missions. Many are group missions for which we need to work with others. 

All are important in one way or another. As with all high magic, we may never consciously know how they turn out, but we are still responsible for carrying achieving them.

I just wrote a new Houston Shamanism Examiner column on the topic and on what the Houston Shamanism Meetup group is planning to do about it. I hope you'll take a look:

I'll post again after the Meetup to let you know what we discover.